Posts by bubaweb

    great tool, I have 2 small vps. in the first one i see the page of graphing working, but only for 15 minutes the all is over, so thi morning no update from yesterday night
    On second vps, I see the graphic page but data inside.
    Where can I start /check status ?
    THX for any help

    Ok Mr Pink, first thx again.
    I will find how recieve notification so I will be fast.

    I run setup engine as you wrote: ok -> [DONE] i-MSCP has been successfully installed/updated.
    then I add in dns the dkim key -> opendkim-testkey -d -s mail -vvv
    result is ok as wiki example:

    opendkim-testkey: checking key ''
    opendkim-testkey: key not secure
    opendkim-testkey: key OK

    All data are ok.
    BUT I have alsways same error on smtp server when I sent mail by webmail roundcube: SMTP Error: [451] 4.7.1 Service unavailable - try again later

    I see / know I didnt setup SSL on mail server. Could it be the problem ? Because if I disable dkim plugin I can send without problem, mail by webmail and client.
    Thx again :(

    note: same server domain without dkim activated: mail are working without problem :(

    hi mrpink, thx for your replay.
    I did as you wrote, all 3 domains have the right dkim key in reseller panel.
    the problem is that I cant see any mail if I enable dkim

    note: I didnt install ssl on setup.

    Any other hint ?

    Hi all
    same problem with different data...

    netstat -tulpen | grep opendkim
    tcp 0 0* LISTEN 111 31492 10911/opendkim

    but when I switch on DKIM signature no way to send mail.

    Error SMTP: [451] 4.7.1 Service unavailable - try again later
    thx for any info