Posts by h0rst


    When using the built-in Support Ticket feature (IMSCP 1.2.4) (i.e.: a client opens a support ticket to the reseller), the sent mail
    is including a a wrong URL. Or to be precise, it's missing the (default) Control-Panel Port (4443):

    1. Dear <RESELLER>,You have a new ticket:Priority: MediumJust a simple test!Log in to answer

    I think it should be:

    1. Log in to answer

    It's the same for responses (reseller to client). I'm sure i can alter it manually (i haven't checked that yet), but it should
    at least include the default Control-Panel port that was configured during the installation ;)



    I installed IMSCP 1.2.3 yesterday on my Testing-System including the Spamassassin Plugin 1.0.0 (compatible with i-MSCP >= 1.2.3). When restarting in manually,. i get the following errors in syslog

    1. spamd[12860]: auto-whitelist: sql-based unable to connect to database (DBI:mysql:imscp_spamassassin:localhost:3306) : Access denied for user 'sa_user'@'localhost' to database 'imscp_spamassassin'

    Looking into Mysql reveals that the variable $spamassassinDbName seems not to be expanded at all:

    1. MariaDB [mysql]> show GRANTS FOR 'sa_user'@'localhost';+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+| Grants for sa_user@localhost |+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+| GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'sa_user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD '......' || GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON `$spamassassinDbName`.* TO 'sa_user'@'localhost' |+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

    However running:

    1. MariaDB [mysql]> GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON `imscp_spamassassin`.* TO 'sa_user'@'localhost';

    seems to fix the Problem. Have i done something wrong so that this was happening? Maybe it's because of MariaDB (i don't think so)?!

    If its the wrong thread to write this i'm sorry. Please move it to the right location ;)
