I use i-MSCP for clients on different servers (at the moment 2) located in
different data centers. Each server has the backup of all important/necessary
data (mysql-db's, /etc, /var/www ...) to restore the other.
So in rare case that one has a hardware fault which takes a longer time to
repair i must be able to get my clients websites up and running on the remaining server.
The problem is that on both servers the client user ID's start with vu200x ...
So it is not possible to restore the client data with user id vu2004 from server A
on server B with the same user id, because this is already in use by another user with
id vu2004 on server B.
How can i set the starting id number on different servers, e.g. vu2000 on server A
and vu3000 on server B, and so on, so that it is possible to use the backup of client data
without troubles on any other server?
Kind regards