Posts by anarking

    Hi All,

    Since we do not have admin access to AjaXplorer yet, I have been trying to find out how to show hidden files, or at least .htaccess files to the end user. I cannot find an appropriate config file or setting anywhere since the ajaxplorer package is pretty different. a grep for "SHOW_HIDDEN_FILES" doesn't turn up anything useful either. does anyone know? thanks

    someone asked about doing multiple installs of wordpress, just upload more than one copy of the package, and it can be done that many times.

    i am also packaging wordpress with themes already installed and activated. my next step is to make a package with a plugin already installed and activated (wordpress firewall), so everyone that installs it has the firewall plugin running. if anyone wants it, i will upload it when i'm done.

    i understand, i was not asking you to implement it, i was offering to help, and I don't think the page title change is any big deal, as long as it keeps the "powered by i-MSCP". people like customization options.

    I can change it, but I thought contributing an option for others would be good, and I am happy to program it in. Admin interface option that simply changes the i-MSCP config file variable, and all page titles use the variable.

    I would be happy to fix the the typo "bugs" as well.

    I'm trying to help, and not just be a user, because I appreciate all the hard work that goes into this, and the more options we can get in, the more people that will want to use it, and the more support we will all have with the project. or be isolationist to help and it will die.

    Hey Everyone,

    I'm currently in the middle of changing a million TR_PAGE_TITLE values and think this should be an option from the Admin panel...

    in all the gui/public/client reseller admin, etc. folder the pages themselves have hardcoded TR_PAGE_TITLE variables set as "i-MSCP" and the page name, such as

    'TR_PAGE_TITLE' => tr('i-MSCP Client / Domain statistics'),

    I think this should be a variable, so Admin can change "i-MSCP" in the TR_PAGE_TITLE variables to something else from the Admin panel.

    I'm happy to try and code this if you think it is a good idea.

    Also there are many incongruencies as well, such as "i-MSCP - Client / Domain" and "i-MSCP Client / Domain Alias", etc. so there are differences that should not be there. I can clean this up also, because it is making it difficult for me to script find/replace ;)

    Sound like a good idea?

    this is going to be the most impressive and needed development.

    As a workaround, I'm currently trying to implement the roundcube plugin "Login AutoMX - Sets the used mail server based on the MX record of the email address used as login"

    and will see about just modifying the login page to check with the servers each time and redirect to the admin panel of the server that has that domain name.

    but that is the slow inefficient way, i imagine the real way will be to have the master database on the central i-MSCP server that has all domain names and a column that identifies which server the domain is on, and that is what the login authentication will go from...

    sorry this has taken so long... i don't get much time to work on it, many other projects...

    this was fixed, the order in the script was just deleting the old file before there was a new one to check, so that is okay now. (learning curve!)

    it turns out that gzip --rsyncable will not work as intended. the rsync to inside a tar, cannot work when it is compressed. so it would have to do the entire process of making a whole compression again, and that load is what i am trying to avoid...

    two options...

    1. i may be able to do this with the open-source software 'duplicity', which is included in main (debian) repositories, and can be integrated with a lot of work. it is the only one that supports doing this with compression. but it makes one main file and a bunch of incremental files, so a client cannot just download one big backup file (though i could probably script that to re-create a new single file on-demand). it could allow a client to restore to any point in time (set archival time per client: 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, etc.), which would not take up much space because it uses de-dupe. I want this archival feature anyways.

    2. rsync + tar. this would make an uncompressed tar backup of the domain and then each day do rsync --delete, which will get rid of the big backup strain and leave a big backup file for clients. the problem is it is not compressed, so will take up more space. (databases will stay compressed)

    ideas? maybe i should just do rsync + tar for 1.1.0 and try to make duplicity happen for next release (and myself ;)

    also, iMSCP does not backup mail at this point, I think this should be integrated, agree?

    hey guys,

    it's all pretty much ready, except for 1 thing...

    for my 'if' i need to use '-e' to check if a file exists, but it seems as though the script doesn't have permissions to check in the backups folder, when it is not running a CMD.

    what is the best way to solve this? i need to do: if ( -e "$bkpDir/$_*.gz") {

    even when i use a full path and filename, it cannot check in the backups folder, but other folders on the system, it can check fine, and the rest of my script works as planned.

    what permissions does the imscp-backup-all script run under? and is it different when i run it as root from shell versus when the imscp_daemon runs it?

    that's great, jox, thanks! i had actually been wanting to do something like that for the same reasons as you, so i have put it in mine and am almost done with the revamped backup script to use gzip -rsyncable. will post here when done, would be nice to get it in in time for the 1.1 release :)

    thanks sci.

    one question, if adding it there, can i be sure that the files will have already been created by the time the backup function runs at that point you say to add lines, or does the function before just set it to 'toadd' and the files may or may not be there in time?

    i may not need this, if i continue a different way...

    i think, to upgrade-proof and to make sure that in case anything happens to a backup file, the if-else for the nightly script will check if the backup file matches the format (or doesn't exist), and if not, delete and then create a new gzip rsyncable, but if it matches, to continue with normal rsync. this should be the safest way to do it. agreed?

    i have to do this by name matching. current imscp backup script creates datestamp with hours and minutes, so i could use datestamp with just date, same as ispcp was, but then anyone migrating from ispcp would match. i guess i will just make it a slightly different format from both.