Posts by cflo56


    I recently installed the Plugins "RoundCubePlugins".

    No problem to use the diffents RoundCube Plugins except the ManageSieve.
    In the tab "Filters", a message appears : "Unable to connect to managesieve".

    - The Service of ManageSieve (:4190) is active.
    - No problem to connect telnet with Imap and Pop (telnet localhost 143 ..)

    After some research, the log said :

    General log :

    1. dovecot: managesieve-login: Aborted login (auth failed, 1 attempts in 4 secs): user=<>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, secured, session=<ayHXnHEA4wB/AAAB>[12-Aug-2014 19:44:10 +0200]: PHP Error: Unable to connect to managesieve on localhost:4190 in /var/www/imscp/gui/public/tools/webmail/plugins/managesieve/managesieve.php on line 308 (GET /webmail/?_task=settings&_action=plugin.managesieve)[12-Aug-2014 17:44:10 UTC] Not currently in AUTHORISATION state (1):

    RoundCube/Logs :

    I did extensive research on the internet but I have not found anything conclusive...
    I reinstalled the system twice without getting it to work has ..

    The result of commands dovecot -a and dovecot -n seems normal.

    I Tried :
    - Reinstall Dovecot Package
    - Debugging PHP manageseive.php (User and password sended as correct)
    - Telnet Connect with IMAP is good
    - Telnet Connect to localhost 4190 is bad (I have test AUTHENTICATE PLAIN with
    ->> Reponse : NO "Authentication failed."
    - Try Connect with managesieve_usetls = true (same error..)

    Have you ever encountered this problem or have an idea?
    Thank you in advance!

    PS : Sorry for my English Language....

    This Solution with remotebridge :
    (simple example)

    - Add action :

    1. case 'createmail': createmail($postData['username'],$postData['mailadr'],$postData['password'],$postData['domainid']); break;

    - Add Function : (Warning, no syntax checking, no exist cheking.. etc)

    1. function createmail($username,$mailAddr,$password,$domainid){ $forwardList='_no_'; $mailType='normal_mail'; $subId=0; $quota=0; /** @var $db iMSCP_Database */ $db = iMSCP_Registry::get('db'); $cfg = iMSCP_Registry::get('config'); $auth = iMSCP_Authentication::getInstance(); iMSCP_Events_Aggregator::getInstance()->dispatch( iMSCP_Events::onBeforeAddMail, array('mailUsername' => $username, 'MailAddress' => $mailAddr) ); $query = ' INSERT INTO `mail_users` ( `mail_acc`, `mail_pass`, `mail_forward`, `domain_id`, `mail_type`, `sub_id`, `status`, `mail_auto_respond`, `mail_auto_respond_text`, `quota`, `mail_addr` ) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) '; exec_query( $query, array( $username, $password, $forwardList, $domainid, $mailType, $subId, 'toadd', '0', NULL, $quota, $mailAddr ) ); $id =$db->insertId(); iMSCP_Events_Aggregator::getInstance()->dispatch( iMSCP_Events::onAfterAddMail, array('mailUsername' => $username, 'mailAddress' => $mailAddr, 'mailId' => $id) ); send_request(); logoutReseller(); exit( createJsonMessage( array( 'level' => 'Sucess', 'message' => 'Mail added.' ) ) );}

    Appel : (Example)

    Sorry for my last post..

    Thanks @Nuxwin for translation
    (My English is not very good..)

    Currently, i continue to trying change the "remotebridge" plugins, but it is not easy. (I think it is possible)
    If you have an idea or command to allow modify the Postfix configuration, I am interested.

    In the meantime if I find the solution with remotebridge I allow myself to you provide on this topic

    Have a nice day !


    Je serais aussi intéressé a trouver cette commande qui permet de modifier les fichiers de configuration de PostFix après un ajout de mail dans la db (avec statut : toadd).

    Je pensais sinon regarder du côté de l'extension remotebridge.. (Faire appel à la procédure iMSCP_Events::onAfterAddMail si possible)

    Merci d'avance,
    Bonne soirée,