So you could try using the git branch now instead of a release, but note that some plugins might not work just yet
Posts by theemstra
To configure a netmask manually disable DHCP, and set the IP manually:…ng_the_interface_manuallyDo note that the bind problem is caused by the machine not having any network connection, so any other software trying to send or retrieve data from a network will return an error to you
Try manually adding an ip and route
as i am not home right now, try using the manual:
man ip -
Please provide your versions used of: OS, i-MSCP, bind, openSSH
Is your filesystem intact? (are your files still accessable)If so, please provide the output of these commands (and files):
ip route show
ip addr show
cat /etc/network/interfaces
netstat -antp
cat /var/log/syslog
cat /var/log/messagesIf too long, please post them in a pastebin for ex
Without more information, we don't know what is going on
Also you have to give the user permission by editing the user as reseller
This tool is for users that fight with finding the right certificates of right order hard and it will help filling out the SSL form in i-MSCP
A simple solution to finding the full certificate chain is filling in your server certificate (not your private key!!!!).
It will recognize the CA and will find any chained certificates.It will chow the full certificate chain and offers you to download the CRT file to use it right away! the ease!
Do you want to use this at your cp domain only or on all user domains?
If only on the main domain, go into i-mscp and create a subdomain with redirect to your webmail path -
Did you actually install and enable the plugin?
A littlebit "hard" solution for this but its work...
Do a cronjob @ ewery 5 minute: cp -r /var/cache/munin/www/ /var/www/virtual/YOURDOMAIN/munin/htdocs/After the first cron run, munin available @ YOURDOMAIN/www
Secure munin with i-mscp folder protection!
This is not a good idea for many reasons -
Did you check the dedicated ports?
What do you mean you changed the ports to 'random'?Default is 8080 and 4443
If you want to know what port it is running at run
netstat -antp | grep nginxIf it does not show up there, try the installation again with the -d option and show us the logs