Posts by jonci

    Installer said:
    Please, enter the host from which SQL users created by i-MSCP should be
    allowed to connect to your SQL server:

    Allowed values are:
    - Fully qualified hostname or localhost
    - IPv4 or IPv6 addresses
    - The percent character '%' for any host

    This dialog is mostly for remote MySQL server usage. If you are using a
    local server, default value should be fine.

    I tried to set: 192.168.0.% but the Installer didn't accept it, I had to change the value to exact IP (ex: after that I had to change it in the MySQL by hand.

    It's bug or feature? :)

    Elkészült az első teljes magyar (nyers) fordítás magázó formátumban.
    Az esetleges hibákat a tesztelések során folyamatosan javítjuk.

    Örülök, hogy átvetted a fordítást, sajna nekem nem jutott rá időm az elmúlt fél-háromnegyed évben. Pedig kezdetben olyat terveim is voltak, hogy két fordítás lesz: magázó és tegező, hogy mindenki örülhessen:)

    Ha újra elkezdem használni a rendszert, majd küldök észrevételeket.


    Ééés megnyilt a magyar részleg is! :)
    Használja már valaki éles vagy akár teszt környezetben az i-mscp-t?

    Érdekelnének a tapasztalatok, különösen az újdonságokat tekintve, úgy mint ssl és appinstaller, hogy ezekkel milyen tapasztalataitok vannak.

    Az 1.x-es verzió előtt (még a régi témával) használtam teszt környezetben meg frissítettem a fordítást, de aztán elfogyott az időt sajnos, így az új dolgokról nem tudok nyilatkozni, de tervezem, hogy újra nekiesek, mert jó lenne áttéri rá.

    I work on making i-MSCP module based so alternative servers can be used. At start we will allow choose between courier and dovecot.
    Later we can add alternative to any server is need (including module for pure-ftp).

    It sounds good!

    Postgresql will be eventually supported for users, but not as backend for panel itself (I think this is what jonci asked postgresb db for users)

    Yes, I think so, PostgreSQL support for users not for i-MSCP data.

    -1 Support for DSPAM
    DSPAM does not look very well maintained nor developed. It was totally inactive for a long while, and despite they are supposedly working on it again, I have not seen any great progress. Additionally, there are no debian/ubuntu packages for it, so it will be a PITA to properly maintain it within i-mscp.

    Debian Squeeze doesn't contain the DSPAM, it's fact,
    but Lenny and all Ubuntu releases (including Oneiric) do.

    IMHO, if we have to integrate any antispam software, the best option would be amavisd-new+spamassassin, which also does a pretty good job and is much better maintained.

    I have been using amavisd-new+spamassissin four years then I changed to DSPAM. I've already been DSPAM user since three years and I didn't regret.
    Amavisd-new+spamassassin is not the best. Due to Perl scripts this solution causes high CPU usage. The DSPAM is written in C so it's very fast and very precise.

    "Support for DSPAM" was just a vote. I can use DSPAM with i-MSCP (more accurately Postfix) so I don't worry :)

    -1 Support for PureFTPd
    Don't get me wrong. I have nothing against PureFTPd, but why would it be better to use it? I simply think that it would be better to focus the development efforts on the other features discussed in this thread.

    ProFTPD contains more vulnerabilities than Pure-FTPd.

    Pure-FTPd - found 2 issues since 2004-07-05

    ProFTPD - found 75 (!) issues since 2003-06-19

    And what about PostgreSQL support?