Posts by IngoL.

    Thanks, but after i broke some other stuff i restored my Snapshot Backup...not my day :-)

    I try again, but not today.

    Thank you very much for your offer, but i need a running system for automatic tasks during the night.

    I will post here again when i try next time.

    Same here !

    autoinstaller::Adapter::DebianAdapter::uninstallPackages : Could not unset "hold" state on packages: Unknown error

    @uncle Sam you can try to uninstall awstats by hand, evtl. that will work, or just show up the next package.

    apt-get --purge remove awstats

    Edit: i installed last version (imscp-1.2.14) after the error above and everything ist working fine now
    locking for a fix to come up

    Die Berechtigungen habe ich wohl verstanden aber was ist, wenn das trotzdem nicht will ?

    ---> admin --> reseller ---> customer habe ich beachtet, im Reseller habe ich den Editor für den Kunden aktiviert aber beim Kunden wird schon in der Übersicht angezeigt, das
    der Editor nicht an ist.... wie wird man das denn los ?

    Dist.: Ubuntu 12.04
    I-Mscp: 1.2.9
    Apache FPM

    Kann man das irgendwie manuell anstoßen oder in der DB ändern ?

    Danke für Eure Antworten.

    OK, i found the solution.....

    If you create a "Protected area" with a dir that is protected by chattr you will get an permanent error in the i-mscp backend.
    Thatt error prevents the installer to end its job.

    What about changing that to idiot proof in the future ?

    My solution (Ubuntu)

    - install chattr (its in the e2fsprogs package) = apt-get install e2fsprogs
    - chattr -i /var/www/virtual/domain (or subdir where the error occurs)
    - restart the install script = perl imscp-autoinstall -d
    - DONE

    In the logs i can see an old wrong set of a .htaccess file pointing to a dir that is not writable.


    What should i do make the dir wiritable or remove anything from the DB ?





    main::_process: Error while processing 6, Mk, tochange.
    main::_process: See /var/log/imscp/Htaccess_module_Mk.log for more details.
    iMSCP::Debug::END: Exit code: 1


    iMSCP::File::getWFileHandle: Unable to open
    iMSCP::File::save: Unable to save file

    Nice one....thanks !

    For Ubuntu LTS:

    sudo apt-add-repository ppa:arnaud-hartmann/glances-stable
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install glances