Posts by FISA4

    I found the problem.

    It is, because i-MSCP don´t deleted the folder before upgrading.

    I use this machine for testing. So i upgraded i-MSCP often.
    It seems that the openDKIM plugin is from the older Roundcube 0.8.x release.

    It would be nice, if the upgrde process could delete the old files before copy the new files.
    This could prevent for such confusing things. ;)



    It would be nice, if the reseller could activate PHP versions for each domain seperatly. Maybe some user

    Example: can use PHP 5.2, 5.5 can use PHP 5.2, 5.3 can´t switch and has PHP5.2 as default (should be selectable on domain setup) can use all

    (Sorry, i know this is a lot of work but it would be a very nice to have for this plugin)


    ... although it´s in config file and in plugins folder of roundcube.

    RoundcubePlugin installed
    openDKIM plugin installed
    openDKIM plugin in Roundcube installed
    and in plugin array of the configurationfile (
    openDKIM is working if i send a mail.

    in Roundcube the openDKIM plugin should show me the status of each mail i received but there is no status.

    In "about" of roundcube the activated plugins are shown.
    But the plugin isn´t listed there.

    Is there any solution to fix this?




    RoundcubePlugin installed
    openDKIM plugin installed
    openDKIM plugin in Roundcube installed and in plugin array of the configurationfile (main....

    openDKIM is working if i send a mail.

    in Roundcube the openDKIM plugin should show me the status on each mail.

    In "about" of roundcube the activated plugins are shown. But the plugin isn´t listed there.

    Is there any solution to fix this?



    Hi Sascha,

    I had a look at the plugin and i found at least one missing action:

    I miss 'update' user and domain details. this should be possible. ;)

    what about a "get_user (single and all of the reseller)" and a "get user and domain details from a specific user" action ?
    this would be a nice improvement and would help to develope applications that could interact with the api from another server or Windows. ;)

    I hope you know what i mean.


    Ich hoffe Du meinst das hier:

    UPDATE `imscp`.`domain` SET `domain_status` = 'torestore' WHERE `domain_status` = 'ok';
    Damit setzt Du alle Domains in den Restore und wenn Du danach den imscp-rqst-mngr aufrufst, dann sollten das klappen.

