Only is a website registered on this server. But if I don't use custom MX record, all mails going to never leave the server.
What would be the best way to disable the local resolver (it's not possible from the panel I think) ?
Thanks for your help.
Posts by Ximousse
Hi all,
I have the following problem:
on a website
I have several contact forms, each one is used to send a mail to a different person, let's say :
contact-form-1 ->
contact-form-2 ->
contact-form-3 -> contact@somethingelse.orgetc..
If I don't set a custom MX record for, contact-form-1 doesn't work (mails don't leave the server)
however if I set a custom MX record, contact-form-2 and contact-form-3 stop working instead, giving " Host or domain name not found. "...Is there a solution to make all contact forms work ?
I need to add that there are far many forms than 3 it is thus excluded to add all domains to the MX records.I didn't find any solution to my problem on the forum, I hope I didn't miss it !
Thanks in advance.
Is there a more generic way to do this ?
For example, if I have to manage the website of a client but he wants his mails managed by another company.
If he decides to change this, I need to be informed of the change in MX records (and that's the hardest part, getting the client to remember this kind of things). -
I'm upping this because I've had the same problem on several servers and didn't take the time to find a proper solution so far.
To sum up: on a clean server (Debian Squeeze), just after installing iMSCP (Version =, I create a domain with mail accounts enabled and I try to send a mail via php to, the mail "never leaves the server" even if I deactivate mail accounts after.It's exactly the same problem I had with iSPCP: there a correct way to fix/configure this ?
Thanks in advance !