Posts by Ximousse

    Only is a website registered on this server. But if I don't use custom MX record, all mails going to never leave the server.
    What would be the best way to disable the local resolver (it's not possible from the panel I think) ?
    Thanks for your help.

    Hi all,

    I have the following problem:

    on a website

    I have several contact forms, each one is used to send a mail to a different person, let's say :

    contact-form-1 ->
    contact-form-2 ->
    contact-form-3 ->


    If I don't set a custom MX record for, contact-form-1 doesn't work (mails don't leave the server)
    however if I set a custom MX record, contact-form-2 and contact-form-3 stop working instead, giving " Host or domain name not found. "...

    Is there a solution to make all contact forms work ?
    I need to add that there are far many forms than 3 it is thus excluded to add all domains to the MX records.

    I didn't find any solution to my problem on the forum, I hope I didn't miss it !

    Thanks in advance.

    Is there a more generic way to do this ?
    For example, if I have to manage the website of a client but he wants his mails managed by another company.
    If he decides to change this, I need to be informed of the change in MX records (and that's the hardest part, getting the client to remember this kind of things).


    I'm upping this because I've had the same problem on several servers and didn't take the time to find a proper solution so far.
    To sum up: on a clean server (Debian Squeeze), just after installing iMSCP (Version =, I create a domain with mail accounts enabled and I try to send a mail via php to, the mail "never leaves the server" even if I deactivate mail accounts after.

    It's exactly the same problem I had with iSPCP:

    Is there a correct way to fix/configure this ?

    Thanks in advance !