Gosh I'm an idiot, i just set the IMAP to no TLS instead of the SMTP.
I works now without TLS, via webinterface and also via Thunderbird.
Now i just have to set up TLS again. Is there a short and easy solution for selfsigned certificats?
Gosh I'm an idiot, i just set the IMAP to no TLS instead of the SMTP.
I works now without TLS, via webinterface and also via Thunderbird.
Now i just have to set up TLS again. Is there a short and easy solution for selfsigned certificats?
Try to connect less STARTTLS.
i already did, same complaint from my mailclient.
There you go:
Senden der Nachricht fehlgeschlagen.
Fehler beim Senden der Nachricht: Eine sichere Verbindung mit dem SMTP-Server kann nicht mit STARTTLS aufgebaut werden, da der Server diese Funktion nicht angibt. Schalten Sie STARTTLS für diesen Server ab oder kontaktieren Sie Ihren Anbieter des E-Mail-Diensts.
Well i already tried to set no tls/sll but it doesn't seem to matter much.
I just realised, the autoinstall installed courier again...
For the future, have a look in /var/log/imscp/imscp-setup.log when an error occurs.
I can make screenshots of my console. It is better than nothing.
ok, thanks i didn't know that.
Well i was about to make a screenshot but the error didn't come up again.
Ok Dovecot seems to run now, i can login with via webinterface and also via Thunderbird. But SMTP is still not working, i can't send mails.
I really wanted to, but i couldn't copy past it out of the menu
anyway, its gone now. I just ran "perl imscp-autoinstall -d" again without complains.
Well thats weird, now i get an error while updating packages index.
What does that mean?
Well i guess we switch to english
i don't have a dovecot-sql.conf, I only have a dovecot-sql.conf.ext and dovecot-dict-sql.conf.ext
i just greped for password an found something but it doesn't seem to work
the dovecot-sql.conf.ext is all commented, just the example stuff is in there
mail.log meint:
dovecot: imap-login: Disconnected (auth failed, 2 attempts in 12 secs) ...
auth.log sagt:
dovecot:auth: check pass; user unknown
sieht wohl so aus als wenn der bzw. die user nicht existieren, nur ich habe keinen der User gelöscht oder ähnliches.
Außerdem habe ich extra eine Mailadresse zum Testen angelegt.
Habe ich bereits versucht, leider ohne erfolg. Weder Roundcube noch Rainloop funktionieren. Die alten Mailkonten funktionieren leider auch nicht mehr.
Die Mailadresse schreibe ich ohnehin immer aus bzw. Thunderbird will ohnehin die ausgeschriebene Adresse.