Posts by betz0r


    i recently upgraded to the latest stable maintanence release as published.

    I got an error access the imscp panel of my host:


    You don't have permission to access /
    on this server.

    Additionally, a 403 Forbidden
    error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

    Directory and file permissions:

    After "chmod -R o+x gui" i can access the panel at least but only get back text "Access denied."

    I guess the owner of the whole imscp directory is wrong. Can you crosscheck this and tell me right owner? Its ubuntu12.04 with imscp1.1.4 upgrade via autoinstaller.


    my update on ubuntu 12.04 server from 1.1.0-rc2 to rc3 fails with two errors about roundcube:

    Can i get the original folder /var/cache/imscp/addons/vendor/imscp/roundcube anywhere to fix this?

    I added log of perl imscp-autoinstall -d:

    Thx for help.