I dont know. I think @Nuxwin must answer this question.
Posts by Backdraft007
I can only say what i-MSCP says. Check your Private Key with your passphrase with:
openssl rsa -in /path/to/private.key -check -noout -
you can create a CSR if you want. To add a certificate you dont need a CSR.
There are two ways:
1. Without CSR: You get and need: Certificate, Private Key, Password, Intermediate certificate
2. With CSR (Create it on your own): You get and need: Certificate, Private Key, Intermediate certificateSo if you have generated a certificate with CSR you dont need a password.
Als Reseller die Domain bearbeiten und die "display_errors"-Direktive aktivieren.
Dann kann man als Kunde die Einstellungen unter Domain ändern. -
Wenn Du dem Kunden den PHP-Editor freischaltest, kann er auch das einschalten.
I don't think so. Typo3 is Typo3 and not typo.
Second thing is, I saw the following:
PhpSwitcher: Added build option (prefix) + typoWell, typo don't mean Typo3 but misspelling in source code.
Well, that are also configuration that you can set as reseller, but note that not each Typo3-Environment needs all these settings. It is only a warning or notice that something won't work.
Only the thing with max_input_vars. Do you have suhosin installed?
I have no exerience with phpswitcher, but I can set the value of max_execution_time in admin-panel -> Settings -> PHP (System standard). After that you can set this value as reseller for a user or as user directly when you have the permission.
Chris -
Hallo Desa,
verschieb mal "ib_logfile0" und "ib_logfile1" in /var/lib/mysql/ nach /temp/.
Danach nochmal den mySQL-Server starten.Grüße