Good job, Laurent.
Currently i-MSCP is on a good way to the future, I think.
Good job, Laurent.
Currently i-MSCP is on a good way to the future, I think.
Hallo zusammen,
da Apache2 generell HTTP/2 unterstützt würde mich interessieren, wie es bei Verwendung mit i-MSCP damit aussieht. Ist die Verwendung von HTTP/2 möglich und setzt es bereits jemand ein?
Viele Grüße,
Guten Morgen zusammen,
ist es aktuell eigentlich möglich, statt Apache 2 komplett auf nginx zu setzen? Also sowohl beim Panel als auch bei den Customer-Webs?
Viele Grüße,
Hallo zusammen,
gibt es Neuigkeiten bezüglich des Supports von i-MSCP für die openSUSE Leap Distribution? Ich habe irgendwann einmal einen Tweet vom i-MSCP Team gesehen wonach der Status da "Work in Progress" ist. Das Ganze ist aber schon eine Weile her. Ist dazu etwas bekannt?
Viele Grüße,
Oh, okay. But these autogenerated passwords are only prefilled in new installations. In earlier versions prior 1.3.16 there was an option to press Enter to autogenerate a password. Now these passwords are autogenerated by default. This is, what the errata file means.
In existing installations the displayed passwords are the passwords which you have set during the initial setup of i-MSCP. These are shown in cleartype.
Hey bluecafe,
the setup dialog of 1.3.16 forces you to set new passwords if the existing ones contain special characters or / and if they are longer than 32 characters.
Have a look at the ASCII Alphabet ( ). Only a-z and A-Z are allowed characters. Any kind of special characters are not part of the ASCII Alphabet.
Hey bobiturboto,
just have a look to the Errata-File at….3.x/docs/
With 1.3.16 the setup dialog forces you to set a new password, even on existing installations.
You just have to set a new password for your ProFTPd User and everything should work fine.
I needs:
- Access to Wordpress instance (dashboard) for which the Wordfence plugin is installed, according the logs you posted above.
This is not one of my own sites and I have no access to it. The Problem exists on other Customer Domains too, with oder withput wordfence.
Or do you need direct access via SSH? @Nuxwin