Dont worry, no need to run the SQL command. Got enough mails to test.
Works like a charm with the mentioned changes. Thanks!
Dont worry, no need to run the SQL command. Got enough mails to test.
Works like a charm with the mentioned changes. Thanks!
Okay, nice. Means it will most likely be implemented in the next release i guess?
Ah, thanks. That is what I missed.
I thought it gets only sends ones, no matter the time.
One reply every 24h is fine enough, thanks.
You're welcome, thanks for looking into it.
I use Microsoft Outlook 2019 x64, just tested it in the webinterface from my mail provider (icloud). Its the same like in Outlook.
Just noticed its set to "en_US.UTF-8", that might be the problem. Should be "de_DE.UTF-8" in my case right?
I had the same "issue".
I wrote a small text in the autoresponder which contained a "ü".
In the UI, its written as "ü" but in the recieved mail (from the autoresponder) ist written as this: "ü".
Login to webpanel.
Enable autorepsonder.
Enter a "ü" as an example.
Mail that mail with the autoresponder enabled.
Get the "corrupted"(most likely just a wrong setting in the coding-display [utf-8 etc]) answer back.
Da dazu ein Ticket aufgemacht wurde: und die i-mscp Version noch nicht upgedated wurde (wenn es reproduzierbar ist), wird es dazu noch keine Lösung geben.
Außer, erstmal ae statt ä und co zu nutzen.
Moin moin,
ich habe mal eine Frage und zwar, aktuell antwortet der autoresponder bei Mails nur einmal zu einer Mailadresse.
Erste Mail von an die Mail mit dem autoresponder aktiviert, worauf der autoresponder eine Antwort schickt. Eine weitere Mail von der Adresse wird nicht beantwortet.
Ist es möglich, dass der autoresponder bei jeder Mail antwortet, egal ob es die erste oder x'te ist?
ich habe dazu hier leider keine genauen Informationen gefunden, außer das es möglich ist das dadurch der Server auf Blacklisten landet.
Oder ist dies aus dem genau diesem Grunden nicht gewollt?
Viele Grüße
That would be a good opportunity, which still needs to be well balanced in order to compensate the overall reduction from the advertisements.
There is another way, but I wont say that here now since it wouldnt be fair.
To your initial question: there is a role which is named donator. So I assume, if you donate a monthly or one time donation you might get that status.
But I dont know that for sure.
Plus, I dont think it disables the ads for that users. Since that would require some work on the CMS (my guess).