Show us the redirection please.
Either via the panel or the vhost. Or better both.
Show us the redirection please.
Either via the panel or the vhost. Or better both.
Du musst in der globalen apache2 config die erlaubten Versionen für SSL deaktivieren.
Also entweder direkt in der apache2.conf ("/ets/apache2/apache2.conf") folgendes eintragen:
SSLProtocol TLSv1.2
Einfach das in die letzte reihe setzen und speichern.
Oder wenn du letsentrypt nutzt, kannst du es in der options-ssl-apache.conf ("/etc/letsencrypt/options-ssl-apache.conf") anpassen.
Dort ist schon ein Eintrag für SSLProtocol gemacht, den musst du dann nur noch auf die oben geannte Zeile anpassen.
Danach den apache2 Dienst neustarten.
Wenn du TLSv1.3 aktivieren willst, brauchst du apache2 in der Version 2.4.36 oder neuer sein. Dann kann auch die Version 1.3 genutzt werden (wenn openssl mindestens Version 1.1.1 ist).
Currently, no. I would need to actively checking that. Sorry.
But I guess what you did is already good.
I found two things on google with the information you provided. Both might happen here, so check google or any other search function for: AH00052: child pid 5756 exit signal Segmentation fault (11) .
It tells you what you can try. Its not much, but espsecially the first one is actually really useful.
Well, thats not 7.2.^^
Still, you tried to add 7.2 to the php Switcher right? Its not fit for that.
That seems to be the right one. But that version doesnt support php 7.2.^^
Did you download it from the official links?
Grep the information from the system and log and do a backtrace.
Something is causing the crashes.
Beside from that, I always recommend to use the latest version available (keep the requirements in mind).
If you use php 7.2 and newer, it wont work with i-MSCP and the php Switcher.
7.2 and newer will be supported in the next release (from what I read).
If I remeber correctly, atm 7.2 and higher isnt supported.
I think Nuxwin already mentioned it. From what I can tell is, that it will most likely be supported in the future.
But like with every OS, its the best solution to wait a few weeks before actually supporting it. A lot of stuff can change (or beeing discovered) during the first weeks.