Debian jessie migration

  • Hello,

    I have debian 7 with i-MSCP 1.2.2 and I would do the debian update 8 days and I would have wanted to know if there were any precautions to take? Or things to do?
    Or if there were any problems of incompatibility with paquetes or others?

    Thank you in advance.

  • If you don't want to wait for the 1.2.3 you can easily upgrade your distribution ans then rerun the 1.2.2 installer. iMSCP 1.2.2 is also compatible with debian jessie.

  • Thank you for your reply, you advise me to wait for the next release?

    If I wish to migrate now, I only have to update the system and restarted the installation file c'set out his?

    Thank you in advance.

  • Hi
    I have a little question about this, which is the better option to choice, ... systemd or sysvinit in jessie?, are there big differences really ? :whistling:

    My server (VPS):
    OS Wheezy
    I-mscp 1.2.2

    Thanks in advance

    Víctor Rodríguez

  • @victor531

    On Jessie, I would recommend systemd. Systemd is more fast and provide more information about service status.

    i-MSCP github (next 1.2.3 version) provides providers for sysvinit, upstart and systemd. Support for init systems has been fully rewritten.

