Uninstall and Adding new users

  • Hi all!

    I just install the 1.2.2 stable release.
    The installitation went smoothy.
    I log in, and trying to add a new user, when I finally click on add user, it redericts me to an error page:

    "An unexpected error occured
    An unexpected error occurred. Please contact your administrator."

    When I tried t uninstall the program it says:

    Exit code: 255
    root@livesigntechforms001:/var/www/imscp/engine/setup# perl imscp-uninstall
    Global symbol "$rs" requires explicit package name at imscp-uninstall line 320.
    Global symbol "$rs" requires explicit package name at imscp-uninstall line 322.
    Global symbol "$rs" requires explicit package name at imscp-uninstall line 323.
    Global symbol "$rs" requires explicit package name at imscp-uninstall line 323.
    Execution of imscp-uninstall aborted due to compilation errors.

    What can be the problem? Maybe it's important, before this I had the eagle version displayed in my profile, but the uninstall went their without any problem.

  • Hello ;

    1. Why did you tried to uninstall instead of enabling debug mode in the imscp.conf file and reporting us the output by trying to add user again?
    2. As I see, the imscp-uninstall script has some typo which explain the error. I'll fix that for next release.


  • You are right as always.
    I turned debug mode on, the following came up:

    An unexpected error occured
    An exception has been thrown in file /var/www/imscp/gui/library/shared-functions.php at line 2537:

    SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry 'signtechforms.com' for key 'admin_name'

    Query was:

    INSERT INTO admin ( admin_name, admin_pass, admin_type, domain_created, created_by, fname, lname, firm, zip, city, state, country, email, phone, fax, street1, street2, customer_id, gender, admin_status ) VALUES ( ?, ?, 'user', unix_timestamp(), ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )

    This means I have this as admin name from the previous version, but I cannot see the customer in the list, and I want to use this domain.
    Should I simply remove it from the database by myself?

  • @ssibal

    It seem that you have an orphaned entry in your database. Such duplicate entry error should not occur in normal context. Please, look at the admin table from your imscp database (through PMA) and remove that orphaned entry. Once done, give a new try by re-adding that customer.

