Postfix authentication problem

  • Hello,

    I have fresh I-MSCP installation on Debian 7.8 64 bit and I have some troubles with sending mails, when i try send mail from RoundCube i get errors:


    Feb 26 23:55:23 server postfix/smtpd[4799]: connect from server [xx.xx.xx.xx]
    Feb 26 23:55:23 server postfix/smtpd[4799]: warning: SASL authentication failure: unable to canonify user and get auxprops
    Feb 26 23:55:23 server postfix/smtpd[4799]: warning: server [xx.xx.xx.xx]: SASL DIGEST-MD5 authentication failed: generic failure
    Feb 26 23:55:23 server postfix/smtpd[4799]: disconnect from server [xx.xx.xx.xx]

    Receiving incoming mails work OK, but i can't send mails. :-/ I have tried many postfix configurations but with no success.

    PS. I have another server with older I-MSCP, but with same Postfix confiuration and there everything works great. Please help.

  • imscp version, implementation, plugins in use...?

  • Quote

    Feb 27 12:31:27 server postfix/smtpd[6261]: warning: ip[xx.xx.xx.xx]: SASL CRAM-MD5 authentication failed: generic failure

    Same error with Thunderbird :/.

  • purge your postfix installation and rerun the imscp-installer

    1. perl imscp-autoinstaller -d

    Once done check again and post the imscp installer logs..

  • OK. Below steps what i made:
    1. apt-get remove --Purge postfix
    2. perl imscp-autoinstaller -d

    Below in attachments you have logs after installation.

    PS. I have also noticed interesting thing, when I've enabled in MySQL general_log to ON, in log file when i tried send mail from webmail appeared only query from RoundCube, no query from sasl:

    1. 150227 18:34:38 372 Connect roundcube_user@localhost on imscp_roundcube
    2. 372 Query SET NAMES 'utf8'
    3. 372 Query SELECT `vars`, `ip`, `changed`, now() AS ts FROM `session` WHERE `sess_id` = 'lsjso54brbdti57p6u4kjo9dc3'
    4. 372 Query SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `user_id` = '10'
    5. 372 Query SELECT * FROM `identities` WHERE `del` <> 1 AND `user_id` = '10' AND `identity_id` = 10 ORDER BY `standard` DESC, `name` ASC, `email` ASC, `identity_id` ASC
    6. 372 Quit
  • Issue was solved! It was my fault...

    Before i would like have remote access to my MySQL, so i set bind-address to my public IP address- it caused that sasl can't login to database... After change bind-address to it's working :).

    Thread closed.