site not properly enabled error

  • Hi I get the following error when I try to change the status of a website:

    Servers::httpd::apache_fcgid::enableSite: ERROR: Site not properly enabled: /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ is a real file, not touching it

    The actual l link I click on under status says "unknown error", when I click it I get the above.

    I have tried to disabling and re-enabling manually (using a2ensite and a2dissite) but I still get the same error, I've also deleted the conf file out of sites-enabled and then tried re-enabling but still no luck, is there a cache that needs to be cleared somewhere? Appreciate the help, thanks.

  • the log message for the domain in question at /var/log/imscp/ is:

    Servers::httpd::apache_fcgid::enableSite: ERROR: Site not properly enabled: /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ is a real file, not touching it

    it is the same message when debugging is enabled and I go to the the debugger in imscp, it doesn't say anything else other than that and again it is the same when I try to change the status of the domain

    i-MSCP version:

    i-MSCP 1.1.9
    Build: 20140525
    Codename: Eagle

    Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.2.0-29-generic x86_64)

    The above is a test box, the same issue has occurred on different but live box using imscp 1.2 on the latest Ubuntu release. I've managed to recreate this issue by removing the conf file for the domain at sites-enabled and then copying the file from sites-available instead of using a2ensite (this was done just to reproduce the error) but since then I've tried to disable and re-enable using a2ensite and a2dissite respectively but to no avail.

  • ok so I've found a workaround, not sure if this is the best way to do it but it seems to work for me, in the imscp database in the domain table I manually change the status to "ok" from the error, this appears to fix and I can edit the domain, disable/activate just fine now from the imscp panel

  • Hello ;

    This is not a bug ;)

    The error message give you the explanation:

    1. Servers::httpd::apache_fcgid::enableSite: ERROR: Site not properly enabled: /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ is a real file, not touching it

    a2ensite/a2dissite commands only handle symlink ;)

    Anyway, support is no longer provided for your i-MSCP version.
