php.ini with fcgi

  • Moin,

    Before i-mscp I used ispCP and the php.ini-files stored in /var/www/fcgi/domain/php.ini, same in imscp.
    But imscp overwrite these files often, when customers are using the panel, ispCP didnt.

    My Problem is, that I have to use different configuration there,
    for example the open_basedir option for different domains.

    I dont really want, that a customer could manage all configuration
    in their php.ini, but now I'm searching for a clickable solution.
    Does is make sense to modify the template and/or use something like

    In the moment, I manage this with inotify and some scripts. When
    the php.ini of customers changed, I rewrite the ini. Functionally,
    but only for shell-admins, not the imscp-Admin.

    BTW: in confixx, the Admin could write some specials, like httpd_special, and only these things are store in the ini-files.
    I really miss this feature in imscp.


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