rebuilding all customers configuration failed (sites-available/00_nameserver.conf)

  • answer is:
    I missed one not-existing-anymore ip_id in table domain_aliasses
    engine sql for getting ip addresses received null and set entry without ip
    after fixing in database should be ok now. ;-)

  • God, I love your posts :) You get into trouble, you come with solution. Thank you for sharing, become not in 1000 years i could not think what could trigger this problem.

  • God, I love your posts :) You get into trouble, you come with solution. Thank you for sharing, become not in 1000 years i could not think what could trigger this problem.

    Well, I decided to ask because maybe someone had the same problem (small chance, but still)
    But I will not stop looking for a reason of that problem or solution just because I asked on the forum, right? ;)