open_basedir after migration

  • Moin,

    Today I played a bit on a test-maschine an uprade from ispcp 1.07 to i-mscp 1.0.3. Everythings working.

    When to choose the webserver the setup I took apache_itk, but
    the open_basedir was gone to default. Is this nomal?

    And where to find the settings in imscp for open_basedir per domain,
    when using apache_itk?

    Is this the same, when ich upgrade from fcgi to fcgi?
    The php.ini-files of the domains in fcgi seems to the same here in
    i-mscp, so I could copy them later (after changing the paths)!?


  • itk use /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini. Default value goes into /etc/apache2/sites-available/domain.tld.conf

  • itk use /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini. Default value goes into /etc/apache2/sites-available/domain.tld.conf

    thanks for your answer.
    Ok, when itk uses one php.ini, then I have to "correct" the open_basedir in the domain-files under /etc/apache2/sites-available/, right? Would these files be overwritten, when I add a new customer or something else? Or better change the files in /etc/imscp/apache/working?

    Is it the standard way, that i-mscp take these domains there, ispcp doesnt. I mean, when I migrate an old ispcp, take apache_fcgi in setup, this is the same? Or only apache_itk.

    Think, I have to do more tests, to see differences between ispcp and i-mscp.


    Edited once, last by tom ().