1.1.18 to 1.1.20 - Error - sysctl: permission denied on key

  • Hello ;


    Only one kernel parameter is modified by the i-MSCP installer which is net.ipv4.conf.all.promote_secondaries. This parameter allow to promote the secondaries IPs automatically when the primary IP of an interface is removed. In the latest version, ( 1.1.20 ), the return value of the sysctl command is checked, leading to a permission denied on key net.ipv4.conf.all.promote_secondaries error on systems on which it is not allowed to override this parameter ( eg, on some vps ). This problem has been fixed in the 1.1.x branch by ignoring the return value.

    IP promoting is needed on systems on which many IP addresses are attached to the same interface. You can found further explainations here: http://trac.i-mscp.net/ticket/1192
