Updating with "perl imscp-autoinstall -d" wipes out custom themes

  • This isn't new, the whole imscp folder is completely recreated on update/upgrade/reinstall of it if I remember correctly.

    Just have to made a copy post-update ;)

    BTW: A good reason I see to that: In case of changes to the main theme, those will not be updated to your custom theme, this make you to check if any changes has been made prior to re-upload it and this avoid some tricky bugs ;)

  • Still it would be nice if the installer/updater would check the themes directory or the /etc/imscp/imscp.conf to see if a custom theme has been defined and treat it the way it treats the gui/plugins directory, which is left intact. You never expect an update procedure to wipe out something that is open for customization.

  • Hello @seinarsson

    We 'll not change that ;) If you have your own theme folder, just create a hook file which will backup the theme directory during any update. Something like:


    Note: I've not tested the code but it should normally works. You must just replace <your_theme_folder_name> by your theme folder name.
