So I have been finding some information in other/older posts but most are for migrating from ispcp or other versions of imscp. What I am looking for is more of a "comprehensive" guide for migrating to a new server (fresh server, no unix users, different ip/hostname). I have seen scattered info about nullifing admin-related fields, but not entirely sure what that means etc...
For this I would be transferring to a new datacenter, the version of Debian would be different, but the version of imscp would be the same (1.1.18).
Any help would be greatly appreciated, I may just be over-thinking how to do this, but as this is a production-level system I really do not want to mess up my client login information or their sites.
So with the help of the following posters and some information from other threads these are the steps I did to migrate to a new server:
- Setup new server
- Install i-MSCP on new server
- Export database from old server
- Import database on new server
- Copy password for the "debian-sys-maint" user in /etc/mysql/debian.cnf
- Copy over /var/www/virtual, /var/www/fcgi, and /var/mail from older server
- Setup database for new user creationCode
- # mysql -u root -p<password>> use imscp;> update domain set domain_status = 'ok';> update subdomain set subdomain_status = 'ok';> update domain_aliasses set alias_status = 'ok';> update subdomain_alias set subdomain_alias_status = 'ok';> update mail_users set status = 'ok';> update admin set admin_status = 'ok', admin_sys_name = null, admin_sys_uid = 0, admin_sys_gname = null, admin_sys_gid = 0;
- Replace old ip with the new in imscp-database
- Update IPs for i-MSCP on new server
- Update MySQL for i-MSCP on new server