Error Updating 1.1.14 to 1.1.15

  • Distribution: Debian GNU/Linux 7.5 (wheezy)
    iMSCP Version 1.1.14 to 1.1.15
    Server Implementation: all included
    LogForms: Atached

    When updating the server manually or automatically, throws this error in step 21.


    • err.txt

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  • Hi,

    From what I see, there is a problem in one of your zone:

    1. zone loading from master file /etc/imscp/bind/working/ failed: CNAME and other data
    2. zone not loaded due to errors.

    Did you do some manual changes to that domain ? or maybe to the Bind template of i-MSCP ?

    If not, the content of that zone will be helpfull if we want to see where the error is located.

  • Athar, in the spoilers are atached the bind file of before and after trying the update.

    BackupFile (before)
    -rw-r----- 1 root imscp 5719 oct 26 13:56

    RunningFile (after)
    -rw-r----- 1root imscp 871 oct 31 11:47

    Before Updating:
    WARN: VeryLong:

    After Updating:

    If i replace the "after" file with the "before" file, and i do the test command:

    1. /usr/sbin/named-compilezone -i none -s relative -o /var/cache/bind/ /etc/imscp/bind/working/

  • And if we try to go to contol panel display this error:

    1. Warning: The Exception Writer `iMSCP_Exception_Writer_Browser` was unable to write the following message: `The gui/data/sessions directory must be writable. - at line: 269 in file: /var/www/imscp/gui/library/iMSCP/Initializer.php` Reason: Data `translator` is not registered. - at line: 100 in file: /var/www/imscp/gui/library/iMSCP/Registry.php in /var/www/imscp/gui/library/iMSCP/Exception/Handler.php on line 320
  • Hello ;

    Here the problem is because you have created the subdomain which result to a news DNS A resource record. This new DNS A resource record conflicts with the default DNS CNAME record which is automatically added by i-MSCP. Thus, when the DNS zone file is compiled, the named-compilezone program throws an error.

    To solve this problem, you must either remove this subdomain or rename it. If you want, I can fix that for you. Just give me the relevant data for access your server.

    How to rename

    • In the i-MSCP database, search for the ftp subdomain and rename it (set also it status to tochange)
    • On the filesystem, search for the ftp directory (in the /var/www/virtual/ directory) and rename it. To be able to rename it, don't forget to deactivate the immutable bit if any.
    • Rerun the i-MSCP installer


    Can you please create a ticket about this issue? I must fix that because it's really annoying.


  • Oh yes.
    I was created the subdomain ftp but the panel don't let me delete after tell me the conflict with the name.

    I'm trying to delete/rename the directory "ftp" and I can't, I can't do nothing in the directory (I will try now a few things).

    Thanks a lot.

    EDIT: Where exactly I have to create a ticket?

  • Re;

    You cannot rename the subdomain directory because you have the Web folder protection enabled ;)

    Do the folllowing:

    • Rename the subdomain in the database as stated in my previous post (don't forget to change the subdomain_mount field too)
    • Remove the immutable bit recursively # chattr -R -i /var/www/virtual/
    • Rename the subdomain directory
    • Rerun the i-MSCP installer

    BTW: This problem about DNS records conflicts, will be fixed in next release by replacing the CNAME DNS resource records with A DNS resource records.


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  • Sorry, I forget the first step.
    I read in other post about chattr, but thanks to repeat it again :)

    Maybe this help to any:

    Connect to MySQL and do the changes:


    mysql -u root -p
    use imscp;
    update subdomain set subdomain_name="delete", subdomain_status="tochange" where subdomain_name="ftp";

    I'm would to create the ticket now, but thanks :) (sorry, I'm stressed).

    It seems that all work correctly, I have to test all....


  • @RikuAnsem

    The ticket is already there. See my previous post ;)
