Problems after upgrade to 1.1.14 (SSL/TLS and manageSieve not working properly)

  • I recently upgraded to 1.1.14 as can be seen in the update/upgrade support forum, Problem upgrading from master 20130723 (no update will work).

    The system is running on Debian 7.6 Wheezy.
    I-MSCP is 1.1.14 (since a couple of days)
    Apache is running with FPM

    As can be seen in RoundCubePlugins - ManageSieve I have a problem with ManageSieve.
    Today I also found out mobile clients (K-9) ain't able to send emails.

    I forced people to use SMTPS for sending emails for several reasons.
    For testing I disabled SSL/TLS in K-9 and than sending mails work.

    After having a look in the log files I found this:
    mail.log states:


    Oct 8 08:34:40 VirtualSlet postfix/smtpd[4024]: warning: No server certs available. TLS won't be enabled
    Oct 8 08:34:40 VirtualSlet postfix/smtpd[4024]: connect from unknown[]
    Oct 8 08:34:40 VirtualSlet postfix/smtpd[4024]: warning: Wrapper-mode request dropped from unknown[] for service smtps. TLS context initialization failed. For details see earlier warnings in your logs.
    Oct 8 08:34:40 VirtualSlet postfix/smtpd[4024]: disconnect from unknown[]

    In the past it was working, so this is something that broke during the upgrade from 20130723 to 1.1.14

    Is there an (easy) fix for this?

    I'm also hoping that this has something to do with the ManageSieve problems I'm having.
    If I go to RoundCube --> Settings --> Filter I get a message "can not connect to server"
    mail.log states (ps, mail adres is removed from code):


    Oct 8 08:57:16 VirtualSlet dovecot: managesieve-login: Aborted login (auth failed, 1 attempts in 4 secs): user=<XXX@XXXXXXX.XX>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, secured, session=<X8pD0+MEFQB/AAAB>