Ticket #1121 (Enhancement - Composer packages - Management) created

  • [feedquote='Trac','http://trac.i-mscp.net/ticket/1121']

    Current situation

    • i-MSCP is currently aware of each package that can be installed (Roundcube, PhpMyAdmin?...).
    • Several files which belong to the i-MSCP packages are stored in the main repository. This is bad because this create a hard dependency between i-MSCP and the packages.

    The purpose of the package is to allow extending i-MSCP and thus, no dependency should exists.
    This is a bad conception.

    A good conception should be:

    • i-MSCP is not aware of any package.
    • Any file which belongs to a package should be stored in the package repository instead of the main repository. This can be achieved by following a naming convention and implementing a specific interface provided by i-MSCP.
    • i-MSCP should retrieve the available list of package through composer and let the users choose the packages they want to install.
    • The package can have one specific type (such as addon) and a subtype too (such as webmail).
