Added: iMSCP::Service package for unified management of services (start, stop, restart, reload, status)

  • [feedquote='i-MSCP Github (stable) (nuxwin)','']

    1. Added: iMSCP::Service package for unified management of services (start, stop, restart, reload, status)
    2. Added: pigz (Parallel Implementation of GZip) algorithm for backups compression
    3. Changed: i-MSCP is now accessible through dedicated http ports (default is 8080 for http and 4443 for https)
    4. Changed: i-MSCP is now run through a dedicated httpd instance ny using the nginx Web server
    5. Changed: The quota accounting script is now run every 30 minutes
    6. Fixed: Backend logs which are older than 7 days are never removed
    7. Fixed: The time at which the backup script must be run is no configurable
