I played a bit with APCu and i was surprised, how fast Website of me run. So i decide to write down, what i do.
PLEASE NOTE: I give no Support for this HOWTO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My System:
Debian Jessie
Apache 2.4.9
PHP 5.6RC2
1. Install ACPu from PEAR:
pecl upgrade
pear upgrade
pecl install channel://pecl.php.net/apcu-4.0.6 apcu
2. Create ini File
touch /etc/php5/mods-available/apcu.ini
nano /etc/php5/mods-available/apcu.ini
Add following content:
Note: apc.shm_size & apc.max_file_size -> You must play with it for your needs. In my case i use 2G and 250M
3. Enable APCu
php5enmod apcu
service apache2 restart
Upload attached File to your Website and you have some Statistics about APCu.
NOTE: Open the File and set configuration to your fits