Upgrade to 1.1.0 stable depends

  • Hallo,

    I make a update to imscp-1.1.0 and m update depends.

    I wait now 1 hour.

    What can I do?

    Kind regards


    • imscp.jpg

      (55.32 kB, downloaded 50 times, last: )

    - Distribution: Debian | Release: 8.10 | Codename: jessie

    - i-MSCP Version: i-MSCP 1.5.3 | Build: 20180516 | Codename: Ennio Morricone

    - Plugins installed: ClamAV (v. 1.3.0), Mailgraph (v 1.1.1), OpenDKIM (v 2.0.0), PanelRedirect (v 1.2.0) & SpamAssassin (v 2.0.1)

    - LetsEncrypt (v 3.6.0), PhpSwitcher (v 5.0.5), RoundcubePlugins (v 2.0.2)

  • Hallo,

    I break the Update an do it again.

    perl imscp-autoinstall -d

    The Update depends on the same Point.

    I break the update again and start the apache.
    Then /var/www/imscp/engine/setup/set-gui-permissions.pl.

    Everything is working but I think the Update is not OK.?

    What can I do ?

    Kind regards

    - Distribution: Debian | Release: 8.10 | Codename: jessie

    - i-MSCP Version: i-MSCP 1.5.3 | Build: 20180516 | Codename: Ennio Morricone

    - Plugins installed: ClamAV (v. 1.3.0), Mailgraph (v 1.1.1), OpenDKIM (v 2.0.0), PanelRedirect (v 1.2.0) & SpamAssassin (v 2.0.1)

    - LetsEncrypt (v 3.6.0), PhpSwitcher (v 5.0.5), RoundcubePlugins (v 2.0.2)

  • you mean "depends" = "stucks" ?

    after aborting setup please post your setup log file. /var/log/imscp/*v-gn.com*

  • @Viktor

    Teamviewer possible?


  • Hallo,

    I have restart the Server and then install imscp again.

    Now the update run fine without an error.


    - Distribution: Debian | Release: 8.10 | Codename: jessie

    - i-MSCP Version: i-MSCP 1.5.3 | Build: 20180516 | Codename: Ennio Morricone

    - Plugins installed: ClamAV (v. 1.3.0), Mailgraph (v 1.1.1), OpenDKIM (v 2.0.0), PanelRedirect (v 1.2.0) & SpamAssassin (v 2.0.1)

    - LetsEncrypt (v 3.6.0), PhpSwitcher (v 5.0.5), RoundcubePlugins (v 2.0.2)