how to permanent apply to users php.ini

  • i have a ext.: inside the systems/servers php.ini
    but that will not be implementet in the users php.ini
    so i add it manually to one users php.ini wich need this.

    but after every update to i-mscp (trunk) it has to be added again.

    how to make it permanently exists in users php.ini?

  • Modify template file (/etc/imscp/fcgi/parts/php5/php.ini) then run /var/www/imscp/engine/imscp-setup. If you perform a later update template file will be overwrite by new version, so you have to modify again.

  • The debian's php packages always load the configuration snippets found inside "/etc/php5/conf.d", even if you specify an alternative configuration file. Look inside that folder to see how other (debian-provided) extensions are setup using this method.