Setup bricht ab

  • Hallo !

    Ich habe jetzt einiges ausprobiert um die neuste RC3 aufzuspielen. Ich verstehe allerdings die folgende Fehlermeldung nicht:

    Habt ihr einen Rat ?

    Upgradepfad -> ISPCP 1.0.7 -> I-MSCP 1.1.0-beta2 auf die aktuelle version 1.1.0-RC3

    Auf aktuellem Ubuntu 12.04er LTS.

    Edited once, last by execrable ().

  • Hello ;

    Try again. It's should be a temporary network failure.


  • Hi !

    Sorry, but i can't believe that this will be an temporary problem. Some weeks later, i have tried it again and get the same error message - an other server gives me the same message on update.

    wget or lynx can connect to, so that i think that it could be an error in the call from the setup. Is it possible for me to reproduce the call ?

    Edited once, last by execrable ().

  • Hi !

    Sorry, but i can't believe that this will be an temporary problem. Some weeks later, i have tried it again and get the same error message - an other server gives me the same message on update.

    wget or lynx can connect to, so that i think that it could be an error in the call from the setup. Is it possible for me to reproduce the call ?

    Hello ;

    In that case, it's a problem from your side... We are using the installer every days and all is working as it should. If you need online support, send me your teamviewer IDS.

    BTW: Calm down !


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • Thanx for your fast answer.

    I believe that this problem is on my site :) but i can't find the problem, because i dont understand the problem/ the call. My servers are little hardening and it this could be an problem ;)

    Thanx for your support, but i can't get anyone any access on my infrastruktur @home or on my servers - i am liitle bit paranoid.

  • Thanx for your fast answer.

    I believe that this problem is on my site :) but i can't find the problem, because i dont understand the problem/ the call. My servers are little hardening and it this could be an problem ;)

    Thanx for your support, but i can't get anyone any access on my infrastruktur @home or on my servers - i am liitle bit paranoid.

    In that case, try to flush the cache of your DNS. I cannot help you more here.

    BTW: If you are paranoid, you should not install i-MSCP because I've added several backdoors in the code... :rolleyes:


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

    flames and mrpink like this.
  • Hi !

    I have found the problem. My server are PCI-DSS compliant (and more) and a lot of typical functions are disabled. One of them is the PHP-Function "allow_url_fopen"... Your pearl scripts are using this function. :rolleyes:

    "Problem erkannt, gefahr gebannt"

    Is it possible to check this funktionality in our setup/installer ?


  • Hello ;

    When you say "disabled" it's only the allow_url_fopen that is set to 0 in the php.ini file? If yes, I can just enable it for install time. For instance:

    Index: engine/PerlLib/iMSCP/Addons/
    IDEA additional info:
    Subsystem: com.intellij.openapi.diff.impl.patch.CharsetEP
    --- engine/PerlLib/iMSCP/Addons/ (revision d13c1f01d7bcbcd954c3cd3f595ff127e6aed8d7)
    +++ engine/PerlLib/iMSCP/Addons/ (revision )
    @@ -92,7 +92,8 @@

    $self->{'toInstall'} = [];
    $self->{'cacheDir'} = $main::imscpConfig{'ADDON_PACKAGES_CACHE_DIR'};
    - $self->{'phpCmd'} = "$main::imscpConfig{'CMD_PHP'} -d suhosin.executor.include.whitelist=phar";
    + $self->{'phpCmd'} = "$main::imscpConfig{'CMD_PHP'} -d memory_limit=512M -d allow_url_fopen=1 " .
    + "-d suhosin.executor.include.whitelist=phar";

    if(! iMSCP::Getopt->skipAddonsUpdate || ! -d $self->{'cacheDir'}) {


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • The problem ist resolved - i know the workaround, thanks :)

    I have read the scripts and found the phpcmd call under perl.... I don't allow this calls under php, because it could be a security problem. If you want to get your server pci-compliant, you have a lot of disabled functions :)

    What i hope, that you can change the installer and can check, if the option allow_url_open=on is set.

    As i am allready said, i know how to work with it, but maybe for other ones there should be integrated installer check.

    Edited once, last by execrable ().