ispCP home site hacked

  • :P next time, try to understand my sentence before cry dear... Was ironic

    :D Sorry, i missinderstand this :(
    [hr]Ok, the ispCP Wiki has also a BlackCat. :) Only Trac is untouched ^^[hr]Oh, the Admin wake Up :)


    403 Forbidden


    Now they are back again :)


    <meta name="Generator" content="Joomla! - Copyright (C) 2005 - 2006 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved." />

  • Seriously, I thinks that it's not a way to talk about this event on our forum. Please stop now. If you want debating about any other event such as this, create you personal blog for that.


  • Seriously, I thinks that it's not a way to talk about this event on our forum. Please stop now. If you want debating about any other event such as this, create you personal blog for that.

    Sorry, Nuxwin, to slow you down. This is OFFTOPIC and when we want to discuss7talk about it, we do it. I dion't know that's not allowed to talk about ispCP. Sorry, as i wrote above: I have a opinion and i talk about my opinions. ;)

    If you mean, it's not allowed, please close it ;)

    Edited once, last by xorg ().

  • I think this is called Small Talk / Offtopic so we can discuss whatever we want. And about ispCP I have something to say: look at meta tags for main page:


    <meta name="keywords" content="isp, control, panel, vhcs, VHCS, ispCP Omega, control panel, malte geierhos, benedikt heintel, ephigenie, rats, ispCP, web administration, hosting panel, free, open source, user friendly, isp control panel, isp control panel omega" />

    So all work of all developers / helpers / supporters that ever performed there was used to promote two names. So why not talk about this? Agree, is not nice to attack them, but from not attacking to not even talk about them is a long way.

  • gOOvER

    I don't say that is not allowed. I say just that is not a way to talk (to attack) in public about a project that is our direct "competitor".


  • Wenn ein Site Admin seine aufgaben nicht ordnungsgemäß erfüllt (wie auch den Entwicklung von Control Panel) ist es nicht anders zu erwarten.

    Nicht desto trotz bin ich auch der Meinung von Laurent, das wir über diese Angelegenheit nicht sprechen. Wir sind ja nicht schaden froh.

    Google Translation

    When a site admin does not properly fulfilled its tasks (as well as the development of the Control Panel) is to be expected.

    Nevertheless I am also the opinion of Laurent, which we did not talk about this matter. We are glad not hurt.

    Edited once, last by Tango ().