Possible to add lightspeed opensource to i-mscp?

  • just to know:


    LiteSpeed Enterprise Edition provides some features above and beyond OpenLiteSpeed: hosting control panel compatibility, .htaccess file compatibility, mod_security compatibility, and page caching. Users can find more about Enterprise Edition on the LiteSpeed Technologies homepage.

  • hmmmmmm.......

    It was only a sugestion anyway :-/

    Edited once, last by veg-grower ().

  • It is fast, but it costs. I think Apache with php-fpm now is flexible and fast (lot of CPU usage though). And, Apache + Varnish has been shown to be almost as fast and sometimes faster than Litespeed caching. Putting Varnish in front of Apache on an i-MSCP server is pretty easy also. I could script it, but I'm not sure how to make it a plug-in, and getting some option controls of varnish in the control panel is a bit beyond me. But I can say that it's VERY fast. I have one site serving up millions of database queries a day and many thousands of pageviews with a separate database server.

    I have not tried the Open Litespeed yet, so I don't know its performance. I'm usually weary of free version when they have a paid version, because they usually make the free version weak to make folks buy the paid version.

    Edited once, last by anarking ().

  • I have never tried lightspeed or varnish. If varnish works well with i-mscp I would be very interested in a plugin or addon that would enable users of i-mscp to get as much from there servers and vps as possible.

    I am learning on how to install a vps and I am using i-mscp as my control panel as it is a great control panel for myself to use and it has everything I require for my sites.

    I am just looking for something now to help with the performance side of things with a apache install and it looks like varnish maybe the way to go then :-/

    I will have to look into varnish as I said I am new to this :shy:

    If a plugin cannot be created then would it be possible for a tutorial on how to install and configure it to work with i-mscp ?

    Thanks :shy:

    Edited once, last by veg-grower ().

  • Hi veg-grower,

    I myself use i-MSCP + Apache2 and NGiNX as proxy, it gives a huge performance boost on static files. Same as the resources used by the server has been decreased by 25-50% on certain tasks.

    It will soon be incl. as an option in i-MSCP.
    If you'd like to give it a go, you can try the write up I did:

    There is no guarantee it will work for you, but I know it has worked for others incl. me and Laurent (Nuxwin).

  • Looks very interesting c0urier thanks :shy:

    I would love to have a go at that tutorial as I am using Debian 6 32bit so it should work ok with that. I have heard a lot of good things about nginx and to have that with apache would be very interesting.

    Thanks for the help. When I have set everything up again on my VPS I will try it out and let you know how it went :shy: if it does not work for me then its no problem but I will have a good go at getting it to work :shy:

    Thanks again most appreciated.

  • No problem and I hope it will work out for you. If you experience any problems, feel free to drop a post and we'll see if we can help.

  • Hello c0urier

    I have had time to reinstall my VPS and try your tutorial.

    I have come across a problem. It all installs ok via your instructions but when I come to add a new alias domain the domain will not show and files or it will not show the default imscp homepage. I have tried adding alias domains before adding nginx by following your instructions and before adding nginx all the alias domains worked ok but after adding nginx they do not. I am sure it is something simple like virtual hosts or something like that. Non of the domains I added previous to adding nginx do not work now either.

    This is my setup:-

    MySql 5.5

    Debian 6 32bit Fully Updated

    i-MSCP Git Master
    Build: 20130608
    Codename: Eagle

    VPS is using OpenVZ
    IPv4 Address

    If you need log information could you pleasee tell me which log and where its located please.

    Edit: could it be your tutorial mentions IPv6 and I am using IPv4?

    Edit2: I might be going wrong here 'And then the apache default templates for new domains and subdomains and do a backup'
    Where are the 'apache default templates for new domains and subdomains' located in debian?

    Thanks in advance.

    Edited once, last by veg-grower ().