Service Announcement for Website / Forum

  • As you may have noticed, the website and forum were down for a few hours yesterday between 08:00 - 22:00 CET.
    Our ISP had announced that they would upgrade and do some work on the internet connection and this could result in some "minor" disconnections.
    unfortunately their so called "minor" disconnections, turned out to be a 14 hour long down time.
    They did managed to upgrade what they needed to, but we were not pleased with their lag of communication and we have been trying to get some solid information about the current status since then.

    Their Service window were set to run from 07:00 - 17:00 between the 15th of April and 19th of April.
    Today ( 18/04-2013 ) the line has been stable without any disconnections, but we may experience more downtime, until their service window has ended the 19th of April at 17:00 CET.

    keep in mind that you are always able to find us on our IRC channel that can be found on the Freenode network port 6667 #i-MSCP.

    Sorry for the inconvenience.

    Edited once, last by denully ().

    c0urier and Nuxwin like this.