LetsEncrypt - SSL certificate is not valid

  • Delta04 if you did do anything from this manual: LetsEncrypt - SSL certificate is not valid

    you have to revert changes you've made with 5th point. Otherwise you will get invalid SSL.

    Then you have to do this: LetsEncrypt - SSL certificate is not valid

    Then go to domain - Let's Encrypt and try to renew certificate. It should not be invalid anymore.

    If you will still have problems, you have to get newer SSL certs within /usr/share/ca-certificates (for some reason I've got that issue on 1 out of 5 servers with Ubuntu 18.04) and put them there, then again do dpkg-reconfigure ca-certificates .

    sgumbert probably they're set on Domain list as "Invalid", then you have to follow this what I've written in this post above.

    Edited once, last by theqkash ().

  • I still have this error when I try to activate the plugin.

    1. An unexpected error occurred:
    2. Plugin::LetsEncrypt::enable: Died at /var/www/imscp/gui/plugins/LetsEncrypt/backend/LetsEncrypt.pm line 266.

    PS: This is so weird. If I change the plugin status in the database to enabled and replace with NULL in the plugin error section, everyting is working. I can create new certificate, renew and all that.

    Edited once, last by Delta04 ().

  • You know Delta04 , we are working on obsolete software, everything might be a problem here. I guess that when you install this package it try to install something within old versions of certbot etc., and this might be an issue here. Anyway, you should consider moving I guess.

  • I know, we try to keep the patient alive, but he is already a zombie. I'm affraid you are right, the end is near and we have to find another solution...

  • Well, the end actually already passed, as software is not installable anymore. So if anything will went wrong and you'll have to reinstall whole i-MSCP, you're done.

    Anyway, I'm happy that your issue has been fixed. :)

  • theqkash thanks! That worked for me :thumbsup:

  • Hi guys,

    To perform the required validation in ubuntu 18.04 for letsencrypt, you need to replace in the file

    `./engine/PerlLib/iMSCP/OpenSSL.pm` (base line 1.5.3-2018120800) line 132

    the following code:

    1. my $cmd = [
    2. 'openssl', 'verify',
    3. ( ( $self->{'ca_bundle_container_path'} ne '' ) ? ( '-CAfile', $self->{'ca_bundle_container_path'} ) : () ),
    4. '-purpose', 'sslserver', $self->{'certificate_container_path'}
    5. ];

    by this code:

    1. my $cmd = [
    2. '/usr/bin/openssl',
    3. 'verify', '-purpose', 'sslserver',
    4. ( length $self->{'ca_bundle_container_path'}
    5. ? ( '-untrusted', $self->{'ca_bundle_container_path'} ) : ()
    6. ),
    7. $self->{'certificate_container_path'}
    8. ];

    This work for me and I really hope it works for you too.

    Edited once, last by papachan ().

  • Post by robbo007 ().

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