Setting up i-MSCP on a Godaddy Self Managed VPS

  • Since Godaddy is still only offering Debian 8 for their GEN4 Servers and LTS is over in two months of this posting, I had quite the ride updating and installing my system. Only snag I ran into was an intermittent issue sending emails. I could reply, but not compose. Then the very next day, I could compose but not reply. Truly a headscratcher. Godaddy support pages or their tech support will offer ZERO info on their SMTP Relay config requirements outside of a URL. So with a little patience and a lot of time, I figured out the optimal listener file to use. I am using the USA Relay, but I am sure this will work for other regions.

    I am providing my installation steps from a fresh provisioned server with Debian 8 all the way to a completed system running Debian 9 with most plugins offered by the i-MSCP team installed and working as expected.

    Anyway, I have a great running system and here is what I did ...

    Upgrade Debian 8 to Debian 9

    sudo apt-get update

    sudo apt-get upgrade

    sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

    Edit Sources for upgrade to 9

    sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list

    Change all instances of jessie to stretch, save, exit and continue with upgrade to 9

    sudo apt-get update

    sudo apt-get upgrade

    sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

    I took all maintaners versions and when completed, I did a manual reboot.

    Once rebooted, you can run cat /etc/os-release to verify successful upgrade to Debian 9

    Then I ran sudo apt-get autoremove to clean up some files

    Setup i-MSCP:

    Super Easy

    Run the following commands:

    cd /usr/local/src

    sudo apt-get update

    sudo apt-get --assume-yes --auto-remove --no-install-recommends dist-upgrade

    sudo apt-get -y --auto-remove --no-install-recommends install ca-certificates perl \

    whiptail wget

    sudo wget…e/1.5.3-2018120800.tar.gz

    sudo tar -xzf 1.5.3-2018120800.tar.gz

    cd imscp-1.5.3-2018120800

    sudo perl imscp-autoinstall -d

    I chose not to install Bind for my install, since I am running on my domain registrars network, but chose the options you want and let the install script complete.

    After successful installation, open a web browser and go to

    The first thing I always do is install LetsEncrypt Plugin which is as simple as uploading plugin and activating it.

    Create SSL Certs for your Control Panel and Services located under the "System Tools - Let's Encrypt" tab in your control panel.

    Log out and go to for your new secure connection and install the rest of your plugins and configure i-MSCP for your needs.

    List of Plugins I use and the packages required prior to activation of plugins.

    ClamAV Install

    sudo apt-get install clamav clamav-base clamav-daemon clamav-freshclam clamav-milter

    sudo service clamav-freshclam stop

    sudo freshclam

    sudo service clamav-freshclam start

    sudo service clamav-daemon restart

    Cron Jobs Install

    sudo apt-get install msmtp

    Instant SSH Install

    sudo apt-get install flex libpam-chroot python-magic strace

    Mailgraph Install

    sudo apt-get --no-install-recommends install mailgraph

    Mailman Install

    sudo apt-get install mailman

    newlist mailman

    service mailman restart

    Monitorix Install

    apt-get install mailgraph librrds-perl

    cd /usr/local/src


    apt-get install rrdtool libmime-lite-perl libhttp-server-simple-perl libhttp-server-simple-perl libconfig-general-perl librrds-perl

    dpkg -i monitorix_3.12.0-izzy1_all.deb

    OpenDKIM Install

    sudo apt-get install opendkim opendkim-tools


    Easy as uploading and activating plugin

    Policy SPF Install

    sudo apt-get install postfix-policyd-spf-perl

    PolicyD Weight Install

    sudo apt-get install policyd-weight

    Postgrey Install

    sudo apt-get install postgrey

    Spamassassin Install

    sudo apt-get install spamassassin spamass-milter libmail-dkim-perl libnet-ident-perl libencode-detect-perl pyzor razor

    If you were lucky, you should have a working system at this point.

    After setting up basics (reseller, customers, etc) use listener file shown below with slight modifications to be able to send email through Godaddy's SMTP Relay. Some entries seem redundant, but didn't work reliably until I added everything shown in Example below.

    Save in /etc/imscp/listeners.d ..

    Disable CronJobs plugin in Admin Control Panel ...

    Run the following command:

    sudo perl /var/www/imscp/engine/setup/imscp-reconfigure -danv

    Let the script do its thing and you should be good to go. (Remember to enable CronJobs Plugin)

    Example of what I used. Just change 'smtp_bind_address' to your servers public ip and/or the relayhost URL if located outside the United States.

    I have been sending, replying and every other way email can fly that I can think of with no issues.

    I hope this helps anyone who is stuck with Godaddy and having to update their outdated systems to run modern software.

    As always, I want to thank the developers for a wonderful control panel and look forward to the future.

    Have a great day! :thumbsup:

    System Details

    Debian GNU/Linux 9 (Stretch)

    PHP Ver: 7.1.33 (Default)

    MYSQL Ver: 5.7.29


    ProFTPD Version 1.3.5b

    i-MSCP 1.5.3 | Build: 2018120800 | Codename: Ennio Morricone

    Plugins Installed and Active

    ClamAV - Ver. 1.3.0

    CronJobs - Ver. 1.4.1

    InstantSSH - Ver. 5.0.1

    LetsEncrypt - Ver. 3.5.0

    Mailgraph - Ver. 1.1.1

    Mailman - Ver. 2.0.4

    Monitorix - Ver. 1.2.2

    OpenDKIM - Ver. 2.0.0

    PhpSwitcher - Ver. 5.0.5 (Compiled versions installed: php7.2, php7.3, php7.4)

    PolicydSPF - Ver. 1.2.0

    PolicydWeight - Ver. 1.3.0

    Postgrey - Ver. 1.3.0

    Postscreen - Ver. 1.2.0

    RoundcubePlugins - Ver. 2.0.2

    SpamAssassin - Ver. 2.0.1

    “Life is all an Elaborate Hoax”

    Edited 4 times, last by texxasrulez ().