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Reporter joximu (joximu) Created Aug 13, 2019 11:40:22 PM Updated Aug 13, 2019 11:40:22 PM Priority Normal Type Bug State Submitted Assignee Laurent Declercq (nuxwin) Subsystem No subsystem Affected versions 1.5.1 Milestone 1.6.0 Severity No severity I had to install 4 packets manually
XML::Simple -> libxml-simple-perl
dpkg-architecture -> dpkg-dev
Scalar::Defer -> libscalar-defer-perl
Lchown -> libfile-lchown-perl didn't work -> "cpan: install Lchown" worked
[FATAL] iMSCP::Requirements::_checkPrograms: php: Couldn't find version. No output
Ok: /usr/bin/php does not exist.
So I install manually: php7.0
- >> [FATAL] iMSCP::Requirements::_checkPrograms: php: version 7.0.33 is too old. Minimum supported version is 7.3.0
... hm... the installation process already was smoother in June....
Since the installation of i-MSCP in the past was so good (fresh debian -> installation installs everything needed) this should be improved...
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