i-MSCP (beta4) released

  • It's with great pleasure that we announce the immediate availablity of <strong>i-MSCP</strong> that is our fourth beta release.

    <strong>This release addresses the following issues:</strong>

    <ul class="bulletlist">
    <li>i18n - Migrated from database translation tables to gettext files (Machine Object Files)</li>
    <li>Updated PhpMyAdmin to version</li>
    <li>Updated jQuery to version 1.6.2</li>
    <li>Updated jQuery UI (core and datepicker) to version 1.8.14</li>

    Furthermore, several bugs and security issues were fixed, and all language files were synchronized with the last available versions on <a href="https://www.transifex.net/projects/p/i-MSCP/resource/imscppot/"><strong>Transifex</strong></a>.

    To learn more about bugs and other issues fixed in this release, please consult the <a href="https://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/i-mscp/browser/tags/i-mscp-" target="_blank"><strong>CHANGELOG</strong></a>.

    We would like to remind you that this version should not be used in a production environment, and that any bugs found should be reported on our issues tracker.

    Feel free to test this new version and get in touch with us about any improvement that you would like see integrated.

    You can download i-MSCP 1.0.1-4 Beta 4 at <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/i-mscp/files/i-MSCP%">https://sourceforge.net/projec…cp/files/i-MSCP%</a>

    <strong>i-MSCP Team</strong>
