Update from version 1.1.18 to 1.5.3 and SSL certificate

  • Hello everybody,

    my website points to uncertainty when visitors use the contact form or guestbook entries.

    1. How can I obtain an SSL certificate to convert my website to https:?:

    2. I'm using the old version 1.1.18. How can I update to 1.5.3:?:

    I'm greatfull for any help?(


  • thesou03

    1. You can upgrade to latest version by following the documentation https://wiki.i-mscp.net/doku.php

    2. You can either bought SSL certificates where you want or purchase our LetsEncrypt plugin which make you able to setup as many free SSL certificates as you want. You need upgrade your i-MSCP version first.


  • Hello!

    Unfortunately, my version can not be upgraded. The upgrade option is initially disabled and I can not activate it by myself. can someone be helpful in thus case:?:

    I am grateful for every tip:sleeping:


  • thesou03 You has probably to upgrade first to some older version, maybe somewhere about 1.3 series. Remember to disable all plugins and stuff before doing the migration.

  • Thanks theqkash for the Tip. But the problem is that I cannot change anything by myself in this version that I have. Everything is preprogrammed.

    Edited once, last by thesou03 ().