Mail loops back to myself by 1 Domain in imscp

  • Hello,

    i have a little problem and i dont checkt it why. I hope every one here can help me.

    It is 1 Domain / Account who i can send E-Mail out from this domain, but dont receive. In the Mailprogram (Roundcube) is also nothing.

    Mail sent out go, mail in not.

    The Mail come back with this:

    Have every from you the same problem back in time and can tell me whats here wrong ?

    Its only this 1 Account / Domain

    Thanks for help

  • Check you mail aliases.


  • Hey Nuxwin,

    what do you mean exactly ? In Panel ? I have the domain clear and new set 2-3. Same problem.

  • Can you give us access to the server and control panel (admin access) and give us the domain name for which you encounter the problem?
