Eigenes Roundcube Plugin installieren

  • Moin!

    habe im Forum nichts brauchbares zum Thema gefunden - deshalb dieser Weg!

    Ich würde gerne ein imscp unabhängiges Roundcube Plugin installieren (carddav). An welches config file muss ich ran, um es zu aktivieren.

    Danke im Voraus!

  • Hallo,

    Das ist ein Fall für @mrpink oder @Nuxwin

    Leider habe ich hierzu auch keinerlei weitere Informationen.


    Support Infos: I-MSCP Version: 1.5.x / Distro: Debian Stretch / PHP: 7.1.27 - FPM / I-MSCP Plugins: Let´s Encrypt + PHPSwitcher (latest Versions)

  • Ich würde gern das Plugin "authres_status" aktivieren ... also quasi selbe Frage

    i-MSCP 1.4.6 Build: 20170616 Debian Stretch 9 / PHP 5.6 FPM (I-MSCP Installer)

  • @viperrocco

    Please, refer to the official Roundcube documentation and also to the carddav plugin documentation.

    You can add plugin and enable it like you would do when installing Roundcube by yourself. With i-MSCP the Roundcube plugin is installed under the /var/www/imscp/gui/public/tools/webmail/ directory. For the rest, nothing change.

    Bear in mind that on i-MSCP upgrade/reconfiguration, your changes will be gone. You should code a little i-MSCP listener file to in order reinject your changes at run-time. Please search on our forums and have a look at the listeners files that are already available in the i-MSCP archive, under the contrib directory.

    See also that answer which is not for a Roundcube plugin but which almost same for the way to process: Mail Filters (Sieve) with Rainloop

    Thank you.
    Thread closed.
