Update 1.4.4: PMA Installation Error

  • Hi!

    When starting the regular update from 1.4.3, I got the following DB-error 1045. All passwords were correct. Reconfiguring and other tricks didn't work. Also my supporter thinks, that this is caused by the software. Does anyone know, how to fix?

  • Good evening,

    1. rm /root/.my.cnf

    Then retry.


  • Oh, it could be so easy. Should have post this much earlier. THANK YOU!
    So, what is /root/.my.cnf for? Can this probably checked within update process?

  • @ifactory

    We do not check for that file in i-MSCP installer because sometime, some administrator like to put their own MySQL options in that file.

    For the rest, see https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/option-files.html
