"client denied by server configuration" when trying to add a CGI directory

  • Hi,

    I'm setting up a munin server on one of the domains, it's working fine so far, just the cgi-part is giving me issues. I added the following to /etc/apache/imscp:

    but trying to use it results in:

    [Sat Apr 22 13:57:37.365742 2017] [authz_core:error] [pid 15022:tid 139686890694400] [client {IP}] AH01630: client denied by server configuration: /usr/lib/munin/cgi/munin-cgi-graph, referer: https://munin.xxx.de/static/dynazoom.html?plugin_name=[...]

    Any Idea what I would need to change?


  • @Catscrash

    Try to change Require local by Require all granted directive inside the location block. Then, restart your Apache2 instance.

    BTW: Not i-MSCP related. Thread moved.


  • Thanks, that + moving the cgi files to /var/www/virtual/munin.xxx/cgi-bin and giving them the correct rights (suexec complains otherwise) solved the issue :-)

    BTW: thanks for moving it, sorry for the wrong section. But why german corner? Did my writing give it away? ;-)

  • @Catscrash

    BTW: thanks for moving it, sorry for the wrong section. But why german corner? Did my writing give it away?

    That was a mistake. Moved to correct section ;)
    Thread closed.
