{ACTIVATION_LINK} funktioniert nicht.

  • Ja ich habe es verstanden. :) Wäre schön wenn diese Funktion des automatischen erstellen igendwann kommen wird. PayPal Funktion OK wäre auch eine gute Idee, am besten aber das mann sich sowas aussuchen kann. Ich nutze i-mscp nämlich für einen Freehosting.....

    Yes I understand it. :) Would be nice if this function to create the automatic igendwann will come. PayPal OK function would be a good idea, but the best man may choose something. I use i-MSCP namely for a free hosting .....


    Edited once, last by rodeoflip ().

  • Will be implemented like a plugin.


  • Nuxwin, das ganze als Plugin um zu setzten finde ich eine gute Idee. Denn wie schon gesagt nutzen ja auch Freehoster das System, diese können dann ganz einfach das Plugin deaktieviren.


  • Paypal forbids reception of money for some countries. It's not good idea to add only Paypal money income. We need to think about resselers becouse only 1 paypal shop's account for ip allowed if I am not wrong. Admin/resseler must select which type of money income he wants. Automatic domains expiration does not work at this moment. How to count money if domain owner wants to change his hosting plan? First of all we need complete API.

    Firstly, if something doesn't work like expected why you don't create ticket ? About the rest, (eg. API) This will be implemented in time. We have only one brain and two hands per developer. Paypal is a good thing as long the reseller can enable/disable it. Our events system (not yet fully integrated) allows us to create plugins in easy way. About IP if your are an ISP, you will never share one between resellers.. Billing system will never be implemented by us but an API will be provided ASAP.


  • Why not only add API in Future an let the Billing Things Scripts like: WHMCS or TheHostingTool?? I think, billing should not be a Prt of an Server Admin Tool like i-MSCP

    p.e TheHostingTool is a OpenSource Billing Solution. ATM there is no i-MSCP Plugin, but i think we talk with the Dev's to support i-MSCP

  • Sorry, but we have allready implemented part of billing - user can add requests to change his hosting plan and I think how to connect this things if the billing outside panel. We need to move this features outside panel like order panel and requests of change hosting plan. Like billing plugin may be?

    I repeat - We will never implement billing system inside the panel. We will move nothing as long it's possible to provide some hooks and remote calls.

    Edit: Also, thinks About XMLRPC, SOAP...


  • Ok. It would be nice to add some switch at settings to disable order panel and to disable link to change hosting plan inside panel. + add to API command like enable/disable domain.

    Sure ; It's easy to provide settings to disable this kind of features. Feel free to open new ticket for enhancement about this.
