What type oh PHP accelerator?

  • Hi all,
    I want to know if anyone are using some php accelerator like eAccelerator or ACP and what he think about results.
    Thank you

    O.S.: Debian Jessie
    Apache 2.4
    MySQL 5.5
    Php 5.6
    i-MSCP ver.: latest
    Location: Italy

  • @VeNoM

    eAccelerator like APC are opcode caches. APC also provides a userland cache. However, recent PHP versions (>=5.5) come with OPcache. For older versions (PHP >=5.2 but < 5.5), there is a PECL extension available). Note that OPcache is only a opcode cache. If you also need an userland cache, you'll have to also install APCu which is like APC without the opcode cache layer.

    I would recommend to go with OPcache and APCu. All others are not working with recent PHP versions.
