mailgraph 1.1.1 Update Error

  • Hello ,

    After upload the new version of this plugins a give me this error .

    1. Plugin::Mailgraph::_createMailgraphPicture: Could not save png to '/var/www/imscp/gui/plugins/Mailgraph/tmp_graph/mailgraph_day.png'
    2. Force retry
    3. Close

    OS : Ubuntu 16.04
    i-MSCP - 1.3.1
    Plugin Version update from 1.1.0 to 1.1.1

    OpEn YouR mINd , OpeN YouR SourcE cOdE

  • Code
    1. mkdir /var/www/imscp/gui/plugins/Mailgraph/tmp_graph/
    2. chown vu2000:vu2000 /var/www/imscp/gui/plugins/Mailgraph/tmp_graph/

    Then hit the "Force Retry" button

  • The folder should be outside. I'll have a look

  • @Ninos

    The folder should be outside. I'll have a look

    Outside of what? The tmp_graph folder is part of the plugin directory...

    Anyway, that is not a bug in the plugin itself. It seem that PharData doesn't extracts some directories in some contexts. Either empty directories or directories with only a dotfile inside it... I'll investigate a bit more and fix.

    BTW: I'm wondering why you increased the API version to 1.0.5 for that plugin (and some other too).


  • After you create the folder manually in the plugin dir, set permissions, the update would work fine.

    // Sorry double Post with first answer :<

  • @Nuxwin as with the LetsEncrypt plugin and certbot script. If you upload the plugins same version again with no config-changes on panel the plugin status will not be changed and so the permissions will not be set again. So you'll have not the correct permissions, because files will have the permissions after upload and not the once normally setted on tochange vor toenable. To fix that I would move this folder to the dir where the LetsEncrypt plugin moves the certbot-script.
    A general folder in imscp would be more nice, but not needed :D

  • @Ninos

    No ! You will fix nothing. This has nothing to do with what you think.


  • I'll explain later on IRC, if I'm back home :)