I have a mail server with a custom postfix + cyrus panel based on the old webcyradm.
I have one thousand users and many TB of emails stored in cyrus format on /var/spool/cyrus/mail folder, so install Dovecot and other Postfix conf files will break my installation.
I would like to install imscp to manage Apache server, but without interfering my actual mail and DNS configuration. DNS is easy because it is supported by the imscp installation, buy mail support it is not.
Can I install and use imscp in some way that avoid installing Dovecot or change Postfix conf files?
If I install imscp and after I remove Dovecot package and modify /etc/imscp/postfix/postfix.data path pointing alll files to fake directory, It works, but I'm afraid about updates of imscp.
I can block the Dovecot installation pinning origin of Dovecot to empty path in /etc/apt/preferences, buy I don't know if imscp updates could fail.
Any advise?